Erddig Probus Club promotes good fellowship among retired and semi-retired men in Wrexham and the surrounding area. We currently have about 40 members, from a very wide range of professions and businesses.
Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at Rossett Hall. Gathering commence at 12 noon with a two-course lunch and coffee at 1pm followed by a speaker, and would conclude around 3pm.
In addition to our monthly meetings we have a programme of social events, some local and some further afield, to which wives, partners and friends are invited. Wives, partners and guests are welcomed at the Christmas lunch and in addition we usually have two or three Ladies lunches to which again wives, partners and guests can be invited. There are 2 special lunches: Burns Lunch and Curry & Quiz Lunch, an annual BBQ, Sports and much more.
Members may bring a guest to all meetings except the one in September, our AGM.
We have an extensive range of outings organised by Bob Williams. You can read more about these on our Trips page. These events are well supported and much enjoyed.
Applicants for membership usually attend a monthly lunch as a guest of a current member and then apply formally with their lunch host and another acting as proposer and seconder. However we appreciate that some, possibly new to the area or moving from another Probus Club may not actually know any current members. Such gentlemen are warmly invited to contact our Secretary Ross Duffield to enquire about possible membership. Ross can be contacted by email at
Rob Hill