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- Written by: Secretary
Kelvin Povey has very kindly volunteered to organise a 70’s/ Motown / Glam Rock / Disco evening at the Gresford Colliery Social Club situated just off the A483 Gresford Roundabout around October / November time this year. Kelvin needs to have an idea again as soon as possible, whether numbers make this viable or not so can I ask if you would be interested in going back in time and maybe re visiting some of your mis spent youth (?) you contact Kelvin by email on :
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- Written by: Secretary
Wednesday 11th of September 2024, from 1pm onwards Frank and Debbie Brooke will be hosting once again a BBQ at their home, 28 Oakwood Park, Penley, Wrexham LL13 0NE. If you’ve been to one of Frank and Debbie’s BBQ before you will know that you can look forward to a real treat of fabulous barbecue food enjoyed in lovely surroundings with excellent company, if you haven’t been before then don’t miss the opportunity. All food is provided free just bring along your own alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks of choice and an outdoor chair.

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- Written by: Secretary
Held on Thursday 8th August 2024
I hope you enjoyed todays Ladies Lunch, and as I do, look forward very much to the next which will be our Christmas Lunch.
It was a very successful event with the lucky prize winners below.

Our thanks go to Rob Hill for the splendid photos.
To view them all click on Gallery in the main menu.
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- Written by: Secretary
It is with great sadness that our former president Maldwyn Hughes peacefully passed away last weekend.
Our thoughts go out to his family and friends. R.I.P

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- Written by: Secretary
On 11th July we gathered for our monthly lunch.
The menu was Chicken and Brandy Pate with Salad and Chutney, the main course of Honey Roast Ham, Egg and Chips followed by Fudge with Tea or Coffee.
The guest speaker this month was Keith Stevens who has a degree in physics at Birmingham University. His topic was "Finding Your Way" which was a very interesting talk about the creation of the Ordnance Survey Map through to the latest methods using GPS.